About Us


An Ontario in which smoke-free housing, including  rentals, community/social housing, condominiums and housing co-operatives, is the norm.


Smoke-Free Housing Ontario helps increase options for smoke-free living. Demand for smoke-free environments is on the rise. Ontarians are protected from second-hand smoke in virtually all enclosed workplaces and public places, yet many remain unwillingly exposed in their own homes as a result of smoke from neighbouring units.

We are not asking the government to pass a law that would force landlords to make all rental buildings smoke-free. Smoke-free housing is not about:

  • denying smokers a place to live,
  • evicting smokers from their homes, or
  • forcing people to quit smoking.

Smoke-Free Housing Ontario is about helping to increase options for multi-unit housing with smoke-free indoor air.

Smoke-Free Housing Ontario