To implement a no-smoking policy:

  • Inform existing residents and staff about the new policy.
  • Post signage in appropriate locations. If your policy applies to the entire property, consider a sign by the parking lot, on the outside of the building and indoors that says, “Welcome to Our Smoke-Free Property.”
  • Post the policy on the building website.
  • Remove ashtrays from areas where smoking is prohibited.
  • Consider issuing a press release. Earned media is a great way to advertise.
  • Advertise smoke-free units in directories or websites where your building is listed.
  • Once your policy has been in place for six months to a year, consider a survey to get feedback on what your tenants think. Feedback can be useful to make improvements and positive comments can be used to promote your smoke-free building.
  • Enter your building into the Ontario Smoke-Free Housing Directory.
  • Consider providing support for smokers who may wish to quit. Contact your local public health unit for support.