Guides de gestion des demandes de renseignements
Preuves, présentations et rapports
- Smoke-Free Housing: A Review of the Evidence
- Using Incentives to Stimulate the Supply of Smoke-Free Housing in Ontario
- Rapport Promoting Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Dwellings in the Peterborough County-City Region
- Development of a Smoke-Free Housing Policy in the Region of Waterloo: Key Success Factors and Lessons Learned from Practice : rapport et annexes
- Présentation Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Dwellings: Building Momentum
Ressources pour les propriétaires
- Breathe Easy. Smoke-Free Apartments, Condos and Townhomes. Information for Landlords
- Smoke-free Housing: Why it is good business for landlords
- Smoke-free Housing Q and A for Private Landlords
- Welcome to our Smoke Free Building Sign
- Smoke-free Unit Sign
- Becoming Smoke-free Sign
- Smoke-free Housing is Possible – Postcard 1
Smoke-free Housing is Possible – Postcard 2 - smoke-free-building-window-decal
- Healthy, Legal & In Demand
- Smoke-free Housing: Safe. Health. In demand–palm card
- What’s the Buzz on the Streets? Second-Hand Smoke in Multi-Unit Housing video
- How do you make a multi-unit housing building smoke-free?
Ressources pour les locataires
Ressources pour les organisations sans but lucratif
- Circulaire pour la politique sans fumée : en anglais et en français
- Autocollant sans fumée pour les portes d’entrée
- Smoke Free Procedure for Waterloo Region Housing and Region of Waterloo Community Housing Staff
- Procès-verbal du conseil régional Smoke-Free Policy in Waterloo Region Housing
- Rapport avec recommandations au comité des services communautaires :– Smoke-Free Policy For New Leases and Transfers in Regionally Owned Community Housing (Waterloo Region Housing)
- Rapport de 2008 du Bureau de santé publique de la région de Waterloo – Second-Hand Smoke in Regionally Owned Multi-Unit Dwellings
- Note de service – Results of Survey on Second-Hand Smoke in Regionally Owned Housing
- Questions du sondage
- Smoke-Free Housing Policies: Non-Profits
Annonces et médias
- Affichage-autobus promouvant les politiques d’interdiction du tabac dans les appartements de location
- Smoke-free Housing: Ask for it offer it–Publicité Facebook
- Smoke-free Housing is in Demand–Carte postale
- Publicité transports 1, Publicité transports 2, Publicité transports 3.
- Campagne sur les habitations sans fumée : Communiqué de presse
Prévention des incendies
- Vidéo publicitaire sur la prévention des incendies
- Infographique sur la prévention des incendies
- Publicité pour les autobus sur la prévention des incendies
Programmes de reconnaissance
- Certificat de reconnaissance 1 (pour les propriétés 100 % sans fumée)
- Certificat de reconnaissance 2 (pour les propriétés en transition)